Tratos Cavi aim to work closely with customers to find better, more environmentally friendly solutions to their challenges. We are committed in our vision and strategy to serve all our internal and external customers by providing high quality services and products. In order to continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System we are periodically certified to the stringent requirements of ISO 9001: 2008. Tratos was the first cable manufacturer to receive environmental approval from BASEC (BA2250:1996-2).
 An Approved Cables Initiative (ACI) investigation has led to more than 11 million metres of cable manufactured by Turkish company, Atlas Kablo, being recalled from the UK market, following the suspension of two of its product certification licences. The suspension by BASEC (British Approvals Service for Cables) on 17th May of Atlas Kablo’s product certification licence has been followed this week by the announcement that Atlas Kablo’s HAR scheme certification licence for H05VV-F flexible cables from the Turkish Standards Institution, TSE, has also been suspended. TSE is still to advise about the quantities of cabling involved in the latest suspension. Reports of faulty cabling from concerned contractors earlier this year led the ACI to test samples of product from the Turkish cable manufacturer. The samples were found to have insufficient copper leading to high conductor resistance and did not comply with appropriate British Standards. Independent testing by BASEC later confirmed the ACI’s findings and led to the suspension of Atlas Kablo’s BASEC licence for a serious decline in quality across its range of products.
Atlas Kablo Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Sirketi of Turkey has violated their BASEC product certification licence which has now been suspended by BASEC with immediate effect and until further notice. They are better known in the UK as Atlas Kablo who supply a number of cable distributors and wholesalers with PVC house wiring, flex and conduit wires. Samples of their defective cable were passed to BASEC for investigation by the ACI, after ACI had tested them and found they did not comply with appropriate British Standards. BASEC then carried out their own independent tests, which confirmed the findings of the ACI.

September 2009 – Neil Ancell, joint Managing Director of Tratos Ltd. has been appointed to represent the BCA – British Cables Association on the BASEC board. His innate knowledge and experience of most aspects of electrical cable manufacturing, gleaned through over 30 years with Greengate Cables; Sterling Greengate and latterly North West Cables Ltd until the acquisition by Tratos,was deemed an obvious benefit to both organisations.
Photo of British Cables Association dinner 2009 |
 BASEC has issued a public warning notice about certain cables which have been sold into the UK market. The cables are not BASEC approved and do not carry the BASEC mark. The cables are multi-core PVC sheathed XLPE insulated steel wire armoured cables, of type BS 5467, in various sizes that are commonly used for low voltage power distribution. BASEC testing of these cables has indicated a number of serious faults including excessive conductor resistance and excessive armour resistance. The effective safe conductor size of the cables is up to two standard sizes smaller than that marked on the cables, which may result in overloading. The armour resistance may result in ineffective earthing.

TRATOS Knowsley has gained certification to the coveted and internationally recognized ISO14001 standard for environmental management systems. Combining individual efforts from the management team and the specialist expertise of ‘Tony Wright Consulting’, the UK based cable manufacturer has successfully implemented the systematic framework for the company to identify the environmental impact of its activities, products and services. In addition the system establishes commitments and targets, and monitors results in order for the organisation to continuously improve its performance.

Awarded by BASEC, one of the world's most prestigious approval bodies, the certification was awarded to TRATOS after it implemented and demonstrated a company-wide environmental management system. The system has allowed Tratos to identify waste minimisation opportunities, energy efficiency measures, comply fully with environmental legislation and offer greater protection of the environment. This achievement has been added to the list of externally accredited certifications which include ISO9001 Quality Management and BASEC Product Certification.
Tratos Limited Knowsley
- School Lane -
- Merseyside -
L34 9HD License Number: 048 Systems Certification: Certification Number: CS1-043 Standard: BS EN ISO 9001:2008 Comments: The design, manufacture and supply of the following cable types and products: Flexible Cables and Cords. Instrumentation and Control Cables. Power Cables Rated up to 600/1000V. Insulation and Sheathing Materials used on above - PVC, PE, TPE, XLPE, Fluropolymer and Low Smoke & Fume Zero Halogen.
The British Approvals Service for Cables is stepping up its scrutiny and testing of cables on the market in the UK, with the active support of the British Cables Association (BCA). BASEC purchases a range of products from the open market to check conformity. End users also approach BASEC when they experience problems with cable they have purchased. On testing, many of these are found not to comply with British Standards, and some could be considered as dangerous.
Tratos Cavi SpA Tratos, Italy - 52036 Pieve S Stefano (Ar) - Via Stadio 2 - Italy License Number: 046 Systems Certification: Certification Number: CS1-044 Standard: BS EN ISO 9001:2008 Comments: The design, development, manufacture and supply of the following cable types: Fibre Optic & Hardwire Data and Communication Cables. Thermoplastic & Thermosetting Insulated Power Cables rated up to 26/45kV, Armoured and Unarmoured. The design of the following products: Rubber Compounds. Thermoplastic Compounds. Filling Compounds.
 Tratos are exhibiting at the UK Fire industry´s leading event - International Firex. The event takes place this year at the NEC Birmingham 11-14 May. The Tratos stand is in Hall 3 stand A55. TRATOS will be promoting our range of FIRESAFE TW950© BASEC approved standard & enhanced cables as well as our Firesafe Opti range of fire resistant Fibre optic cable.